does this mean you're gonna leave?

The sad thing is, I wrote about pooping the other night and I neglected to use "does he have to use the word 'poopy'" as my title. It's tragic. I might just have to write a more in depth entry about the topic at a later date to take advantage of that phrase.

Have I ever mentioned that there should not be enough snow for Phil and Rita to build their snowman? I mean, it hadn't snowed in Punxsutawney yet that night and Gobbler's Knob was covered with people all morning. That snow would be slush at best and more likely just gone.

And, this will have to be the briefest of entries for I am tired and the movie is nearly over. It's been a long week... and it just occurred to me it's only Thursday.

Someday soon I will sit down at the desktop and do a whole lot of screencaps--I've got a bit about race, a whole lot of stuff about background extras, and something to do with a time lord, each of which require screencaps. But, life has kept me too busy for that of late. And, that is both a good and a bad thing.

Anyway, today's reason to repeat a day forever: to get some sleep.


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