hold a camera and point it at stuff

Saturday, 1 February, Woodstock, IL. I wake up to snow.

Starbucks first thing once I drove the 2 miles into town. The view:

And, on the wall in Starbucks:

Headed over to Wayne's Lanes for bowling, I stopped and got a groundhog cookie at jaci's.

Also noticed this in the window next door:

Then, bowling:

And, here were the items they were raffling--awarded at the breakfast on Sunday... alas, I did not win.

Bowled three games because the scores were messed up on the first one (lanes were set to switch and David and I did not know it). Not my best scores, but I hadn't bowled in a while.

After bowling, though I had watched/heard 2/3 of the movie there, I headed over to the Woodstock Theater for the free screening of Groundhog Day.

Lunch at the "Tip Top Cafe" - now Taqueria La Placita - talked to some locals about my blog.

Did my own little walking tour before the official one, got some photos...

Then, the official tour:

Today's reason to repeat a day forever: to take more photos, obviously.


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